ONDA Family Law
Family matters

ONDA Family Law
Family Matters.
Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson, LLP is one of the largest family law firms in Texas. Serving clients across the metroplex and from all over Texas, their family attorneys are ranked among the best statewide and their firm holds a place of prominence across the nation.
In accordance with their expertise, their firm was going through a comprehensive facelift through Androvett Legal Media, who tasked Dreamers of Day with creating ONDA Family Law’s newest online experience.
ONDA Family Law
The capacity of ONDA’s experience requires many avenues to showcase the firm’s knowledge. As a veteran law firm, it was important to create an informative yet all-inclusive online experience. The overall online experience had to showcase the firm’s many members through three different locations and achievements dating back 30 years.

ONDA Family Law
When it comes to lawyers, their specialties may be similar in nature, however highly distinctive. Their practices come with a breadth of knowledge and trust that we wanted to not only recognize, but highlight. Within the bundles of information surrounding the firm there were essential resources that each lawyer provided. To completely accentuate each lawyer and their specialty we created individual “microsites” housed within each lawyers personal biography to communicate as much detail as possible. These expandable components offer more defined scopes of the work ONDA executes not only as a whole, but individually.
Extensive details concerning the law practices are introduced in “cards” on the homepage, which are built within our stackable, modular format. The format allows broad aspects of information to be displayed prior to latest information from the firms blog.
Their expertise is showcased within their vast library of case studies that was developed within their portfolio page to create a more comprehensive archive of their experience.
ONDA Family Law
Cultivating the informative cards established a home page with operations and services as an orderly focal point, rather than a cluster of information. Developing individual microsites for each staff member created a way to reveal a dynamic team independently represented through their own achievements. These resources weaved throughout one online experience allowed a complexity to be perceived as only a law firms website could be.